Our community request for independent seniors housing on the primary school site -when vacated -has taken a big step forward. We were advised by the Minister for Lands on 15 January that the Roleystone Primary School site was to be considered for special use seniors’ accommodation. Landcorp on behalf of the State was to initiate an advertising campaign seeking expressions of interest from prospective purchasers. This occurred soon after when an Elders advert appeared in the West Australian seeking expressions of interest for –a development opportunity-Lifestyle Village over 55’s- Written submissions due in by 25 February. Once all the information is received by Landcorp including prospective purchasers the matter will be taken up with the City of Armadale to discuss options for the future of the school site.
It is after that occurs that the rezoning we have been working towards will need to be initiated.
Will continue to keep you all informed.
Cr.Pat Hart